This entry is part 25 of 25 in the series 30 Days on the Chinese Church

This will be the last post in the series “30 Days on the Chinese Church,” but it won’t be the last time I have something to say about this topic. Today I want to pause and reflect on what it has been like to do this series.

As I shared in the first post of the series, I got the idea of doing this series because I needed to do some writing on the topic in preparation for my D.Min. dissertation. I wanted to challenge myself to write every day. It was indeed challenging, but I did succeed in writing something almost every day (except Sundays), which was my goal. On busy days it was not easy to squeeze in the time to write something, but I’m glad that I did. I have a new level of respect for bloggers who post 2 or 3 substantive posts every day. Of course some of them are professional bloggers. . .

I hope that you have found the series to be helpful. I have been sharing many of these things verbally over the years with different people, but this is the first time that I have tried to write them down. Now on to the much larger project of doing my dissertation. Meanwhile, I will return to my “regular” blogging schedule, which includes trying to write 2-3 substantive posts each week.

In doing this series I also hoped to stimulate a discussion among those who who are part of a Chinese or other bilingual immigrant church. I was disappointed by the small number of comments that I have received so far on these posts. I know that there are plenty of others out there with experience serving in Chinese churches, and we can all benefit by pooling our ideas. Probably there are not that many people who even know about this series, and many of you are very busy. My hope is that even though the series is completed the discussion can continue. If you have found this series helpful, why not share it with a friend?

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  1. Thank you for being diligent and finishing out this series on the intergenerational Chinese church. I think it is helpful to get these issues out in the open and there’s nothing like the internet to document the experiences that you’ve had (and many others have had too) in that unique ministry context. While the issues are challenging at times, without the documenting of these issues, I think, it’s hard to get these issues worked out and developed further.

    So, for the work you’ve done in documenting it for the benefit of others on the Internet, with a potential reach all over the world, I hope it will help others to not reinvent the wheel, and to have a reference point to learn from what’s worked and what hasn’t worked, and perhaps to develop new solutions too.

    (as an aside, typically there’s a 10 to 1 ratio of readers vs. commenters, and often times, that ratio is even higher among certain groupings; all that to say, don’t be overly disappointed at the lack of comments.)

  2. DJ, thanks for the encouragement. I think that the reader to comment ratio for this series is more like 100 to 1. But I do hope that now that this series is available on the Internet it will be helpful to others for quite some time to come. A significant percentage of the readers of my blog come via search engines, so perhaps over time more readers will discover this series.

  3. I think the biggest issue I had was that I wanted to post something substantive in response, and a lot of your questions weren’t something that really merited a thirty second breeze by “hi PK!” response.

    The second thing is that I go to your church, so it’s not like I have anything new to say about our church in particular. “Have you ever served in a church like ours?” Well, yeah… 😛

    I think I do want to go back and comment on some of the posts, but it will unfortunately need to wait until I’m not running around like that proverbial chicken…

  4. Thanks for saying “hi PK!” We have had many substantive discussions on ministry issues in the past. Feel free to go back and comment when you have the time.

  5. thanks so much for dedicating yourself to writing these posts (and more so, to the kingdom!). I have lots of thoughts/comments that I’ll post when I’ve processed through. One immediate question does come to mind: what advice do you have for ABC lay leaders/deacons?

  6. Tony, thanks for the question. I think that my advice for ABC lay leaders would be similar to my advice for ABC pastors. I probably need to think about this question a little longer. When you have time, I would like to hear your thoughts.

  7. Dear PK:
    I have been studying your 25-lesson-series by taking two lessons per week. So it took me 13 weeks to complete and today I just finished Lesson #25. I have learned a lot and greatly appreciate your effort. I took notes and wrote summaries every week. I plan to spend the next two weeks to review what I have learned and write a report to our church deacons. I would like to send you a Word file if you would kindly tell me your email address.
    (Brother TC Lo, Mid-Hudson Chinese Christian Church)

  8. I’m glad that you found the series to be helpful. I will contact you by email so that you can send me your file.

  9. Thanks for the thoughtful series. Wish I had read through alot of this probably 1 year earlier as it helped explain alot of the cultural issues we have seen at our church between the english and chinese deacons on a combined board.

  10. Thank you for your insightful series (I actually read through the whole series in one go). This is not only helped me understand OBC and ABC relations better but also how to better train young adult leaders on campus.

    Many of the things you mentioned about cultural differences and relations appear in the church that I’ve been visiting. I have witnessed and can understand the frustrations within our EM in an OBC church when we recently tried to initiate a parallel structure but did not have enough support to progress to that stage. The EM is being burnt out and needs more vision than taking care of the kids. The EM desires to be fed but I feel the OBC is afraid of the consequences of poor planning and logistics for future generations…any suggestions?

    On the meantime, I will share the advice to the church leaders about being patient towards a more unanimous decision and working with leaders on both sides to develop a better relationship and understanding culturally. I think the portions on leadership training/culture would be beneficial for even student run campus ministries who are constantly replacing leaders every 1 to 2 years. Thank you again. God bless.

  11. Thanks for sharing. I think that a bilingual church cannot progress to the parallel stage until the church leadership is ready to embrace the vision of working toward a mature EM for all ages.

    One point of common ground between OBC and EM church leaders is that everyone can agree that an essential goal is to help the young people in the church grow into a mature, vibrant relationship with Christ. I think that a mature EM is the best way to bring that about. If the EM has a solid group of mature, godly adults they are able to have a much more effective youth ministry.

  12. just want to say Thanks for posting this and keeping it online. I read this several years ago at my previous church. Recently moved to a new city, new church, and some of these same issues. The info here is still relevant and insightful.

  13. Hi Ken,

    I really appreciate your series of Chinese Church. I have been attending a Chinese Church at Fremont CA, with both EM and CM for 20+ years. Served as deacon for four years, and experienced many situations as your described.

    I intend to share your series with coworkers of both EM and CM and ask them to relect on it and to seek wisdom from God to help us to understand each other better so that we can serve together better.

    God bless,

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