Today I want to share some further instructions on Christian Meditation. This week in my class we are practicing a very simple method that comes from Madame Guyon (1648-1717). She was quite a mystic so I don’t necessarily agree with everything she said, but these instructions are quite simple and straight forward:

  1. Turn to a scripture passage that is simple and practical (e.g. Psalm 23)
  2. Come to the Lord quietly and humbly
  3. Read a small portion (e.g. a sentence or a few verses)
  4. Do not move on until you have sensed the very heart of what you have read
  5. Take the portion and turn it into a prayer
  6. After you have exhausted the deeper sense and how it applies to you, record your findings in your journal

As I said, this is very simple. But it might be a good place to begin for those who desire to learn how to practice Christian meditation. The point is to reflect on a small portion of Scripture and take the time to allow the Lord to speak to you through it.

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